Today has been a pretty average Thursday for us. I collected Dexter from nursery at lunch time and we walked home in the rain. But, as we were walking along Dexter spotted the dandelion clocks growing in the grass outside. He told me there was a flower and went to pick one. I explained to him that he should blow on the flower to tell the time, so with a little attempt he tried and tried. In the end I had to show him and off the seeds flew. Dexter started saying 'snow, snow'. He was absolutely amazed at how these plants could produce a little flurry of something quite magical. That leads me to the point of today's entry...
We all rush around each day from one place to the next, and I'm not saying I don't do this too but... if there is something I have learnt from having a two year old that everything in this world is magical. Each day I worry I'm not teaching Dexter enough, or that he doesn't get to explore as much as I'd like him too. This is in fact not the case at all. He learns something every day. He's so intrigued by everything and everyone. A little, what would be a weed to an adult, can be a massive discovery to a toddler about cause and effect. Or maybe a little ant on the floor, to us they're a nuisance (fair enough) but to them it's one of the most amazing things they can see. Something so tiny it can even fit on the end of their finger must be fascinating.
(Dexter and his daisy)
When did we all stop noticing the world around us? Every day we walk past things and never really look. We could all learn something from children. Whether it's how to be accepting about everyone, never being judgmental or racist. Or even how to see at the world as though we've never seen it before. Have you ever just stopped, just to look at something for a little bit longer? Yeah, you may do this on holiday or on trips out but what about in every day life? One of the things I learnt whilst on a course to build up my confidence again after having Dexter is that we should just stop from time to time. Maybe to just smell the fresh air in the morning, to enjoy the warm water running through our hair in the shower or savoring that last bite of cake as though it'll be the last one you'll ever eat. I know I'm getting quite deep here and that some may think it's daft to enjoy these things in the moment but I personally believe it's important for our well being and enjoyment of life.
If we stop noticing things completely our lives may just go by in a blur. We could wake up one day and stop being able to smell cut grass or take that morning stroll we've always took for granted. Yes, I am being quite morbid but it's about time I realized it's true. I can be very lazy sometimes and a trip to the shop can feel like I'm about to climb Everest but today I've realized I need to kick the habit of rushing around from task to task and just enjoy whatever life throws at me, just like Dexter does. Children of a young age don't really get the choice of what to do when it comes to daily routines but they take it and enjoy it (well, most of it apart from nappy changes and bedtime in Dexter's case).
The proud face of my son when he's successfully lined up some cars can sometimes fill me with jealousy, he doesn't have a care in the world. We all wish life was easier sometimes and that we had less to worry about because it is bloody hard but we could take such simple steps to improve it. I think if we all thought like a two year old from time to time we'd appreciate what we've got a whole lot more...
Next time you're having a rough day or feeling a little low, just stop - look - listen. You'll be amazed. Learn something new, show it to someone else or write about it. Boast about what you've achieved, anything! Just do it if you enjoy it. So what if someone thinks you're strange for staring at a funny insect or smelling the flowers. You'll be feeling great and that's all that matters.
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